

On May 7, CBS’s “60 Minutes” aired a segment about PSSI’s recent settlement with the U.S. 美国劳工部(DOL).  mg线上电子游戏已经说得很清楚了, these local violations of our zero-tolerance policy against hiring underage workers were completely unacceptable, 与mg线上电子游戏的价值观相反, 对mg线上电子游戏公司来说也很震惊. 

一如既往 广泛 报道,最近 无人陪伴的未成年人数量创历史新高 从国外和 身份盗窃日益猖獗 has unfortunately revealed new vulnerabilities in the area of underage labor across hundreds of different American businesses including ours. Regardless of how this issue emerged, however, it is our responsibility to fix the problem. 

We offered to have our attorney in the DOL settlement, a former U.S. 劳工部代理劳工事务律师, 出现在镜头前,讲述mg线上电子游戏的故事, 但《mg线上电子游戏》拒绝了. As a result, the segment omitted key context and facts, and we wanted to correct the record. 

对童工的零容忍政策. We have been crystal clear from the start: Our company has a strong commitment to our zero-tolerance policy against employing anyone under the age of 18, and fully shares the DOL’s objective of ensuring full compliance at all locations. 作为父母和公民, mg线上电子游戏不希望18岁以下的人在PSSI工作, period — and take extensive steps to prevent individuals at the local level from circumventing our wide-ranging procedures. 

Identity Theft/Local Fraud Required to Circumvent PSSI’s Policies. 甚至在DOL问题之前, we had extensive procedures to help prevent minors from working at our company — including mandatory use of the government’s own recommended E-Verify system for new hires, 培训, 多个审计, and a $10 million investment in biometric identity verification. Since PSSI runs all new employees through the government’s E-Verify system to confirm the validity of their identification documents, the only way those procedures could be circumvented is through deliberate identity theft — or fraud or a violation of PSSI’s policies by a local manager. 

Immediate Action to Address the Issue, 13-Point Remediation Plan. mg线上电子游戏得知美国劳工部的指控后, mg线上电子游戏对员工基础进行了多次额外审查, and hired a third-party law firm to review and help further strengthen our policies in this area. We have also conducted extensive additional 培训 for hiring managers, 包括发现身份盗窃. mg线上电子游戏最近招聘了 新的首席执行官 lead the company going forward and established a $10 million charitable fund to support local community and national efforts to combat child labor violations. 另外, mg线上电子游戏建立了一个“看到一些东西”, Say Something” campaign to encourage local employees to anonymously report violations of our zero-tolerance policy, and conducted outreach to school districts in every community we serve urging them to contact us if they are aware of minors working at PSSI – among numerous other measures. (阅读PSSI的全文 这里有13点整治方案.)

While Even One Violation is Unacceptable, Not a Corporate-wide Issue. 即使是一个地方违反mg线上电子游戏的政策也是太多了, during the three-year period DOL was evaluating the company hired nearly 70,000 individuals across approximately 400 plants (with 73% of the alleged violations occurring at three plants). PSSI also successfully completed a dozen audits with DOL Wage and Hour before this inquiry that resulted in no civil penalties or prior child labor violations. PSSI的合规程序被抓了8个以上,自2020年起,000名员工身份验证问题, 说明了根除违规行为的决心, as well as the significant level of identity fraud facing private employers today.

大岛经理被解雇. The 60 Minutes story focused in great part on a plant PSSI previously served in Grand Island, 内布拉斯加州, 包括一个在那里受雇的13岁男孩. PSSI has made clear that any local employee who accepted identification claiming a 13-year-old was an adult – when that documentation did not reasonably relate to the person in question – clearly violated PSSI’s policies, 这是完全不能接受的. Every single PSSI manager for the Grand Island plant has been terminated and barred from working at any other PSSI facility. 之前 新闻报道 on Grand Island has also documented how this city has an extensive community of unaccompanied minors and identity theft/fraud issues – key drivers of the issues at this plant.

在招聘申请中“被忽视的标志”的说法是不正确的. The piece claimed PSSI “ignored flags” if a potential employee initially failed to check a box they were over 18 in an electronic application. This represents a fundamental misunderstanding of PSSI’s hiring procedures. Every single hire still certified they are over 18 during the application process. All of these individuals provided documentation through the government’s I-9 form that they were 18 or older and were then run through E-Verify. The only way those procedures could be circumvented is fraud/identity theft.  

电子验证多个措施之一. The piece implied that PSSI’s use of E-Verify facilitated abuse in its hiring policies, 但联邦政府本身推荐电子验证作为一种“最佳实践“这有助于提供雇主”安心,以确认个人的受雇资格. To be sure, rising identity theft has created new challenges related to the E-Verify system. 然而, 电子验证只是包括审计在内的众多措施之一, 培训, 以及生物识别技术——PSSI用来执行其零容忍政策.

PSSI配合DOL的调查. PSSI配合了DOL的调查, 包括方便多次实地考察, 员工访谈, 制作了超过1亿页的文件. PSSI has also terminated every single one of the handful of local plant employees accused of non-cooperation by DOL – proven or unproven. 

而《mg线上电子游戏》的报道并没有讲述整个故事, we recognize and take full responsibility for the violations that occurred at our company. 正如mg线上电子游戏之前所说的, we are committed to sharing the difficult lessons our company has learned and remedial measures we have taken. We are dedicated to doing everything we can to enforce our absolute prohibition against employing anyone under the age of 18 going forward.
